I believe the Biblical Tribulation will start during the TETRAD, The Final Blood Moon Eclipse Sequence lasting from Passover April 14, 2014 - Succot OCT 8 2014 to Passover April 04 2015 - to SEPT 28 2015. War will explode in the Mideast vs Israel and spread to a Global Conflict, plunging the world into three days of Economic Collapse, panic and CHAOS- leading to 1) FIRST OF TWO RAPTURES, 2) COMING OF ANTICHRIST AS THE E.T. SAVIOR OF THE WORLD AND 3) USHER IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER OF LUCIFER 666 MAJOR THREAT: THE BIBLE CODE WARNS THAT EBOLA COULD BECOME AN AIRBORNE OUTBREAK AND THAT OBAMA WILL DECLARE FEMA MARTIAL LAW AND TAKE OVER AMERICA TO LOCK IT DOWN AND DISARM IT, QUARANTINE SECTOR BY SECTOR. Jesus taught his true followers, WHO FOLLOW HIM AS THE "SON OF GOD" will ESCAPE 666 in the First Rapture event and this is The Crux of this site = follow the verses = Lu:21:34-36 = Matt:24:40-44 = Rev:3:10. IN LIGHT OF THE THREAT OF EBOLA OUTBREAK AND GLOBAL WAR AND CHAOS, THE QUESTION IS THIS, ARE YOU PREPARED TO SURVIVE THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS? THREE DAYS WITHOUT ELECTRIC POWER, HEAT IN WINTER, NO FOOD, NO WATER? UNDER FEMA MARTIAL LAW THE MILITARY WOULD BRING SOME SUPPLIES TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD BUT YOU COULD HAVE TO WAIT FOR ONE WEEK OR MORE FOR THESE SCARE SUPPLIES.
KEEP IN MIND THAT LIFE WITHOUT KEEP IN MIND THAT THE VERY 1a). N95 RESPIRATOR MASKS (NON-LATEX) Once the Panic starts over Swine Flu, supplies will quickly run out. (better to have a mask and not need it than to need a mask and not have one.). 1). Sell all USA stocks and bonds and make sure you have much of your cash money at hand, not stored in a bank vault. If something catastrophic happens, you don't want you savings lost in the stock market or have to stand in 3 block long lines at the bank. If you want to invest money, many experts suggest buying Euro Gold Stocks. 2).Start a survival kit. Make sure you have at least 5 DAYS of bottled water and 5 DAYS supply of non perishable food for each family member and pets (and a manual can opener).
I SAY FIVE DAYS BECAUSE YOUR NEIGHBORS Cans of ham, spam, salmon, dark tuna and sardines, powdered milk, dried fruit, baby food, canned vegetables such as potatoes, canned or dried fruits, packages of potato chips, pretzels, popcorn, and candy bars are excellent survival foods. Hurricane Katrina taught us that a one week supply of food and bottled water (as endorsed by The Red Cross) may not last long enough especially if there are multiple disaster areas added to madness of looting, rioting and anarchy.
CREATE A SURVIVAL PLAN WITH 3). Make sure you have working flashlights, plenty of batteries, an AM or shortwave, battery powered radio (or crank radio), Candles & matches, a first aid kit and a charged cell phone. Also you should have a quality Ax in case you have to chop your way out of a collapsed doorway or room. 4). Make sure you have a way to protect what you have and your family from armed, violent Attackers (as graphically shown to us by Katrina). Pepper Spray or stun guns will not be very effective against crazed criminals armed with guns and wicked intent. Katrina also showed us that in times of disaster, The Police may not be there to protect us and we could be on our own for 1-2 weeks. DURING AN EBOLA OUTBREAK- FEMA MARTIAL LAW, INFECTED QUARANTINE ZONES WILL BE SHUT DOWN BY THE MILITARY. "STAY IN SHELTER" WILL BE IN EFFECT AND VIOLATERS WILL BE SHOT BY SOLDIERS IN HAZMAT SUITS SUPPORTED BY TANKS AND ARMORED VEHICLES IN THE STREETS OF USA AND MILITARY HELICOPTERS. OF COURSE IF YOU ARE IN A NON-QUARANTINED SECTOR- THINGS COULD QUICKLY SPIN OUT OF CONTROL- INTO TOTAL CHAOS AND WORSE! DO YOU WANT TO BE AT THE MERCY OF MANIACS? DO YOU WANT TO RELY UPON THE KINDNESS OF VIOLENT CRIMINALS? DO YOU WANT YOUR OWN LIVING ROOM TURNED INTO A HORROR SHOW? Experts (such as The NRA) suggest you have a 12 Gauge Shotgun, a shorter barrel version in pump or semi auto, a good supply of 00 buck shells and learn how to safely load, shoot and store the weapon, especially if you have children or teens in your household. LUKE 22:36 TV and Movies glorify Handguns and those who use then. In reality, handguns are hard to shoot and hit your target, especially under the stress of combat, added to poor or almost zero lighting, moving targets, enemy flashlights etc. YOU SHOULD HAVE A QUALITY KNIFE THAT CAN CUT EASILY AND A SURVIVAL OR FIGHTING KNIFE THAT CAN BE USED FOR SELF-DEFENSE. 5) If you live in a place with cold winters, make sure you have an alternate heating source such as a wood stove or fireplace and WOOD or solar heating. Also have extra blankets and even a polar tent that you could set up in your living room for warmth. 6). If you live in an area prone to flooding, you should buy a small boat (metal preferable to inflatable) and life jackets for each family member. 7). Make sure you always keep a full tank of gasoline in your car or truck and all fluid levels are maintained (oil, radiator, trans and washer fluid). If you must EVACUATE, you won't have to wait in long gas lines. Also, if you refill your gas tank everytime it hits 3/4 full, it will always be less expensive to have a full tank no matter how high future gasoline prices soar. 8). If you live in a USA major city or close to one (less than 40 miles) PRAY. Maybe God is leading you to move away to a more rural and safer area. TOILET PAPER: when we buy food and supplies in case of emergency, the last thing we remember and the first thing we usually realize we forgot is Toilet Paper. If things get really bad, Toilet Tissue will be worth ten times its weight in gold, in bartering for say cans of soup or bottles of water... what would you trade for a roll of Toilet Paper? We must develop a Survival Oriented Mind Set if we want to survive a Terrorist Attack or EBOLA OUTBREAK. We must learn to Prioritize our $$$$, a full tank of gas, extra cans of soup and gallon bottles of water MUST take priority over the newest video game, movie DVD or luxury items. We are living in The End Times and we don't know HOW BAD things will get before the First of TWO RAPTURE events happens. It is always better to be safe than sorry, to "PREPARE FOR THE WORST AND HOPE FOR THE BEST."
VISIT OUR SPONSOR FOR SURVIVAL PRODUCTS God Bless You fn: In Luke:22:36, JESUS tells his disciples to buy and carry a "sword" which is today's equivalent of a firearm, a gun. Yet many today twist this verse to claim the "sword" that Jesus speaks of is A Bible. The problem with this thinking is when Jesus made this statement (34 AD) the Gospel (N.T. Bible) did not exist and would not exist and be available to the masses until between 1700-1800 AD. It is clear this "sword" is a real weapon for self defense and that Jesus did not teach "blanket pacifism" at any and all costs. LISTEN TO PASTOR HARRY @ |