BIBLE CODE: OBAMA ASSASSINATED BIBLE CODE: SARAH PALIN - PRESIDENT - VP - McCAIN JUNE 2008: Alternate Bible Code Scenario: in both OBAMA- ASSASSINATED Codes, the year is not given. It is possible that OBAMA wins as President in NOV 08. His reckless and foolish Policies plunge the world into global chaos and war, then OBAMA is ASSASSINATED in 2009, where as HILLARY becomes President and welcomes & accepts Antichrist in 2010 AD. (time will tell which Bible Codes happen). Now we know that Obama is President-Elect and the ASSASSINATION CODE points to TISHRI (SEPT) 2009. But how can HILLARY become President if Obama is assassinated? That would make VP Joe Biden President. Consider this Bible Code scenario. Shortly after Obama is sworn in as President, Joe Biden could resign due to health problems. (In the past he had suffered two brain disorders). Then Obama selects HILLARY as President. Later in 2009, OBAMA-ASSASSINATED and HILLARY becomes President. Then HILLARY welcomes and accepts Antichrist in 2010 AD where as HILLARY leads the great persecution of Christians in America that spreads around the world. BIBLE CODE UPDATE:9/6/08: There are two ways you can spell the name "barack" in Hebrew, using a different "c" or k" sound. Either way, BARACK OBAMA is encoded with ASSASSINATED. Here are both of these Bible Codes.
As of 9.6.08, we are in the Hebrew month of September which
ends SEPT 29. It seems the Bible Code is warning there will be
two assassination attempts on Barack Obama. This code has
going directly thru the name "barack obama" which follows my belief,
"forewarned is forearmed".
In MID OCT 2008, THE FBI announced they
PREVENTED an Assassination Attempt on Obama by two neo nazis (Aryan Nations) who planned to
shoot him. So we see how truly accurate the Bible Code was in this election. The
If you splash the Internet with a future code of violence,
say an assassination or terror attack (AS WE DID) this code has the highest
probability of being prevented. I have done all I can, the rest is up
to those assigned to protect Obama from harm.
BIBLE CODE 2: GEN:29:15 This Bible Code has Barack OBAMA assassinated by a GUNMAN in the Hebrew Month of Tishri, which falls this year from September 29 to October 30. Encoded with OBAMA and TISHRI is "HE WILL DIE" and REPLACEMENT or SUBSTITUTE. This code gives us a startling possibility. This would mean OBAMA will be assassinated by a GUNMAN within a month or weeks of the November Election. This would spell PANIC and an emergency, democratic party re-nomination for a REPLACEMENT- SUBSTITUTE, who is HILLARY CLINTON. To show you how accurate the Bible Code is about The USA Election, 2008, consider this code.
BIBLE CODE:GEN:3:6 JOE BIDEN is not encoded for assassination or murdered and he is also not encoded with Antichrist, The Beast. This code seems to say that Joe BIDEN is simply "window dressing" for what is to come, to get HILLARY Clinton into the white house. It is my belief that the Biblical Tribulation will start between 2008 and 2012 AD. (99.999 sure). This would mean that Satan is working overtime to get his man into the white house. By this I mean a USA President who will accept Antichrist (The Beast) with open arms and I believe satan's "man" is Hillary Clinton. IT SEEMS THAT THIS BIBLE CODE IS TELLING US EXACTLY THIS!
BIBLE CODE This Bible Code warns Hillary Rodham (Clinton) winning the Presidency in NOV 2008. Then we have Hillary welcoming, accepting, honoring and praising Antichrist, The Beast, in 2010 AD. This code makes complete sense as Hillary Clinton backs the United Nations Plan for Global Socialism and the Disarmament of the American Public. It is also interesting that The Bible Code refers to her as Hillary Rodham, her maiden name and not as Hillary Clinton. This is because Bill Clinton was also found in the Bible Code and two "clinton's" would cause confusion. Also Hillary Clinton was quoted as saying, "She wants to be known as "Hillary Rodham" when she wins as President." Even if the date of this code is off, Hillary Clinton could still be elected President in NOV 2008 and then accept Antichrist in 2011 or 2012 AD, the "Mayan Year for Doomsday". ORIGINAL PAGE: POSTED BEFORE WE KNEW WHO WOULD WIN THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION (OBAMA) AND IF HILLARY WOULD BE VICE PRESIDENT (BIDEN). UPDATE: 26 JULY 08: According to the Bible Code and my understanding of the "dark forces" that run this world, their goal is to get HILLARY into the white house for NOV 2008 (as they know she will follow "the plan"). So the only way that Obama can be President is if he chooses Hillary Clinton as his VP. If this happens, OBAMA would be President for nine months, until SEPT 09 (TISHRI) where as Obama will be assassinated and Hillary will be crowned President and she will (soon after) accept Antichrist. (Bible Code) If Obama chooses a VP instead of Hillary, I believe he will be assassinated TISHRI 08 (SEPT 29- OCT 30) and HILLARY will step in as the "emergency" Democratic Nominee and be elected President, defeating McCain. That is if we make it to NOV 2008. 23 MAY 08: Hillary Clinton said that "I am not leaving the campaign because RFK was assassinated in June"." (as could Barak Obama). We must wonder if Hillary is following the Bible Code and possibly reading this page? I have found Bible Codes that warn of assassinations of two major political candidates for NOV 2008 elections. Both John Edwards and Barak Obama are encoded with "assassination" and "gunman". I have also found Hillary Clinton as President encoded with The Antichrist. Although these codes represent possibilities, it is amazing when we consider that the current USA Political Campaign, was encoded 3500 years ago in the Bible Code. It is my belief that the Biblical Tribulation will start between 2008 and 2012 AD. (99.999 sure). This would mean that Satan is working overtime to get his man into the white house. By this I mean a USA President who will accept Antichrist (The Beast) with open arms and I believe satan's "man" is Hillary Clinton. IT SEEMS THAT THIS BIBLE CODE IS TELLING US EXACTLY THIS!
BIBLE CODE This Bible Code shows Hillary Rodham (Clinton) winning the Presidency in NOV 2008. Then we have Hillary welcoming, accepting, honoring and praising Antichrist, The Beast, in 2010 AD. This code makes complete sense as Hillary Clinton backs the United Nations Plan for Global Socialism and the Disarmament of the American Public. It is also interesting that The Bible Code refers to her as Hillary Rodham, her maiden name and not as Hillary Clinton. This is because Bill Clinton was also found in the Bible Code and two "clinton's" would cause confusion. Also Hillary Clinton was quoted as saying, "She wants to be known as "Hillary Rodham" when she wins as President." Even if the date of this code is off, Hillary Clinton could still be elected President in NOV 2008 and then accept Antichrist in 2011 or 2012 AD, the "Mayan Year for Doomsday".
BIBLE CODE: GEN:17:5 The Bible Code seems to tell us that John McCain will be the Republican candidate who will "not be President", that he will lose to Hillary Clinton. This code also says that McCain may develop heart problems that insures his defeat. MITT ROMNEY and MIKE HUCKABEE are found in The Bible Code, encoded with "President". Romney is also encoded with "return" and "substitute". At this point, we will stay with JOHN McCAIN as he is the clear frontrunner, unless of course John McCain develops a serious heart condition and is forced to drop out. If this happens, we will revisit the Bible Code in light of what happens next on the political scene. Now what about the fate of the other two democratic candidates who seek to stop Hillary from winning the democratic party nomination.
BIBLE CODE Here we have the Bible Code warning that one or both of Hillary's Political Rivals could be assassinated. My guess would be that if one of these candidates surged well ahead of Hillary Clinton, they could be assassinated to clear the way for Hillary. UPDATE: 2/10/09: JOHN EDWARDS DROPPED OUT OF THE ELECTION SO HE IS "SAFE" FROM ASSASSINATION AS A THREAT TO HILLARY. Yet Obama and his message of "change" (and honesty) continues to surge in the poles. If I were Obama I would invest in a bullet proof vest and a pope mobile or maybe even Vice President.
BIBLE CODE The Bible Code also has the month of TISHRI encoded with "HE WILL DIE" and with REPLACEMENT or SUBSTITUTE. Tishri is the Hebrew month of October and runs from September 30 to October 30 this year. This code gives us a startling possibility. Barak Obama could win the Democratic Nomination and then be assassinated in TISHRI, less than a month before the Election. This would spell panic and an emergency, democratic party re-nomination for a REPLACEMENT- SUBSTITUTE. Either way, The Bible Code warns Obama will be assassinated and Hillary Clinton will be elected President of the USA, the "Doomsday" President as she will greet, welcome and accept Antichrist, THE BEAST in 5770 HC (2010 AD). Note: I am not saying that Hillary Clinton would be behind this assassination or even have any knowledge of it. I am saying that there may evil "shadow" forces at work in our government that are doing the devil's work. (the JFK Assassination still remains a mystery and controversy to this day). There is another Bible Code that suggest a Bio Terror Attack against Philadelphia, USA in MAY of 2008. Iran will be blamed and President Bush will utterly destoy Iran and their illegal nuclear weapons program. If this code comes true, then Hillary Clinton will never be elected President as this counter attack vs Iran will trigger W.W.III and the start of the Tribulation in MAY- JUNE 2008. (this may also be what Nostradamus meant in his MABUS Prophecy?).
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