POSTED OCT 2008, UPDATED: 04 JULY 2009 If you want to bring about a "new world order", you must first crash the current system. For this reason, I believe The Illuminati is behind the current financial crisis in America, involving our major banking institutions such as Fanny May, Freedie Mac, Bears & Sterns, Lehman Bros, Merril Lynch and AIG, setting the Stage for Total Economic Collapse. AND IN OBAMA THE ILLUMINATI HAS FOUND THEIR DESTROYER, THE ONE WHO WILL CRASH THE CURRENT SYSTEM AND SET THE STAGE FOR THE COMING OF ANTICHRIST AND THEIR "NEW WORLD ORDER". HISTORY LESSON: IN 1928 (USA) WHEN FACED WITH A NATIONAL RECESSION, DEMOCRATS DRAMATICALLY RAISED TAXES AND RESTRICTED TRADE. THE RESULT WAS THE CRASH OF THE USA STOCK MARKET AND THE GREAT DEPRESSION. THE OBAMA WHITE HOUSE IS REPEATING HISTORY AND THIS WILL TRIGGER THE WORST ECONOMIC DEPRESSION IN THE HISTORY OF PLANET EARTH. THIS WILL START WITH THE COLLAPSE OF SMALL BUSINESSES AND MASS UNEMPLOYMENT. GREAT DEPRESSION II. By 2012 AD, the Obama Economic Plan will crash the USA stock market and our dollar. Banks, corporations and farms will be under government control as Martial Law is declared, supported by United Nations Forces. America will be a land filled with tent cities, ghost towns and bread lines, Churches converted to homeless shelters and "Sex for Food" the accepted means of survival. Armed Gangs will roam the streets like animals and possibly one third of America will be dead from Swine Flu. AND OF COURSE, OBAMA, JUST AS WITH COMMUNIST RUSSIA, CHINA AND NAZI GERMANY, SEEKS TO DISARM AMERICA AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. Then, in this downtrodden, broken and poverty striken state, America will be ready to accept any plan that gives them food and shelter and this is The PLAN of ANTICHRIST, for a one world government, based upon 666, Upon Lucifer (satan) as God and the Ten Commandments turned upside down and reversed. THE SYMBOL : this is an religious symbol that is traced back to ancient times. It is the occult symbol for the "All Seeing Eye of Lucifer" (satan). To those who believe in this Luciferic Religion, Lucifer is the good "god" of love and light who is in a war against the evil wicked "god" of the Bible, called "Adonai and "Yahweh" (YHWH). (the mirror reversal of The Bible). The Pyramid shows its occult connection to ancient Egypt and the god "RA" who was the enemy of The God of ISRAEL (YHWH). Under "RA" the Pharoah enslaved the Children of Israel for 400 years, until God delivered them thru Moses and the Ten Plagues. GREAT SEAL: Under the proposal of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams, on JUNE 10 1782, The US Congress adopted the "Illuminati" symbol as the back or reverse of the GREAT SEAL of The United States. The Eagle with olive branch and arrows was the front of The Great Seal of The United States. MDCCLXXVI. On The Illuminati Symbol of the GREAT SEAL on the USD dollar bill is a date in Roman Numerals, MDCCLXXVI. This date is 1776. What is coincidental is this is the same date when Adam Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Illuminati, funded by Mayar Rothschild and a secret group of super wealthy investors. Most people assume this date refers to JULY 4 1776 when the U.S. Declaration of Independence was signed. ANNUIT COEPTIS: the latin phrase means "our enterprise", our "conspiracy" or "our pact". All of which symbolisze the pact that the Illuminati made with LUCIFER and to carry-out his dark plan upon the earth, including the infiltration and take over (via revolutions) of all western governments with the USA as its "prize". IT IS INTERESTING THAT THE WRITING ON THE 1782 GREAT SEAL AND ON OUR USD DOLLAR TODAY IS IN LATIN NOT ENGLISH. IT SEEMS SOME OF FOUNDING FATHERS DID NOT WANT THE AVERAGE AMERICAN CITIZEN TO KNOW WHAT THE WORDS MEANT BUT WERE HIDDEN (OCCULT). NOVUS ORDUS SECLORUM This phrase means "NEW WORLD ORDER" of the ORDER OF THE NEW AGE. In modern times, the phrase was first used by President Bush 41 soon after the first Iraq war.Again, the NEW WORLD ORDER is the goal of the Illuminati, to bring about a One World Government, a Luciferic Theocracy, led by the Son of Lucifer, whom the Bible calls The Beast and Antichrist of Rev:13 as all opposition will be eliminated. Note: in 1782 The Symbol of the Illuminati was adopted by the Masons and Freemasons as the "all seeing eye of God" (what GOD?). I believe only the highest level "initiates" of these secret societies thrunout America had any knowledge of the true, Illuminati-Luciferic Conspiracy. In 1933, President F.D. Roosevelt placed the symbol of The Illuminati on the U.S. one dollar bill. He claimed it represented his "New Deal" economic program. The problem is NOVUS ORDO SECULORUM does not mean "new deal". The Bible warns us that in the "end of days", God will allow Antichrist to come, take over the world and force satanism upon all. This will force the human race to finally choose whom they will believe in and follow, GOD or satan. If Antichrist would just come onto the world scene as a "surprise" WITH ZERO PREPERATION, it could take about 5 to 10+ years for the world to accept him and his religion and plan. Many world leaders could oppose him as well. The devil knows this and this is why he created a secret society known as the "Illuminati", who are working to prepare the world to accept Antichrist and the Lucferic Doctrine. Thru the non stop efforts of this occult group, satan knows the world will acept "his son" and religion in less than one year." Despite over 10,000 conspiracy theories, The Men who run the Illuminati, this ultra secret society, are unknown. All that we truly know is they are comprised of the wealthiest men in Europe, their modern-day founder seems to be Mayer Rothschild of the now, House of Rothschild and they work thru the inner core of many less secret groups such as the masons and freemasons. The plan of the Illuminati was revealed (1782) by an Act of God, when one of their couriers (riding a horse) in Bavaria, Germany was struck by lightening and killed and his documents discovered. THEIR GOAL IS TO CREATE GLOBAL CHAOS, ANARCHY AND A GREAT WAR IN ORDER TO COLLAPSE OUR CURRENT WORLD SYSTEM AND REPLACE IT WITH THEIR NEW WORLD ORDER, "NOVUS ORDUS SECLORUM". THIS WILL BE LED BY ANTICHRIST, THE SON OF LUCIFER AS KING OF THE WORLD AND THE ILLUMINATI WILL RULE WITH HIM AS LORDS AND KINGS (Rev:17:12). IT IS ONLY ON THAT DAY THAT THE FACES OF THE ILLUMINATI WILL BE REVEALED. A MAJOR PART OF THIS "NEW WORLD ORDER" INCLUDES THE TOTAL DESTUCTION OF THE JUDEO CHRISTIAN RELIGION AND ALL WHO FOLLOW IT (REV:13). CHIP IN YOUR HAND
Here is the five fold plan of The Illuminati which as MARCH 01 2008
is 99 percent completed and ready to launch. In 1982, The U.N. officially became a Luciferic Organization and promotes the "Great Invocation" (of Lucifer) as their world prayer. THIS WAS THE PLAN FOR THE U.N. SINCE ITS BIRTH IN 1945, THE FUTURE STAGE FOR ANTICHRIST TO COME AND UNITE THE NATIONS TOGETHER AS ONE.One point can be said for The Illuminati, they always plan far ahead. The Illuminati has their "eye" on the white house and will do whatever it takes to get their "man" into power who is HILLARY CLINTON. This will insure that a USA President will accept Antichrist when he comes and sign over the Soverignty of the United States to him, circa 2010-2012 AD. This is why the Bible Code warns, HILLARY RODHAM, PRESIDENT, 2010 AD, GREETS- WELCOMES- ACCEPTS THE BEAST (ANTICHRIST). OBAMA SURGED AGAINST HILLARY AND THE ILLUMINATI THREW THEIR FUNDING BEHIND OBAMA, AN ULTRA-LIBERAL, SOCIALIST AND FOLLOWER OF THE UNITED NATIONS ANTICHRIST AGENDA. THE BIBLE CODE WARNS, "OBAMA-ASSASSINATED" AND THIS COULD STILL HAPPEN IF THE ILLUMINATI TRUSTS HILLARY OVER OBAMA TO IMPLEMENT THEIR PROGRAM OF MASS EXTERMINATION FOR ALL WHO OPPOSE 666, THEIR NEW WORLD ORDER OF SATAN. 2) INDOCTRINATE AND PROGRAM THE WORLD TO ACCEPT ANTICHRIST AND HIS LUCIFERIC DOCTRINE via the media. These occult themes and teachings are everywhere in our society today thru entertainment, movies, television shows, music and music videos, books and cartoon shows for children. THIS INSURES THE LUCIFERIC DOCTRINE WILL NOT SEEM "ALIEN" TO THE WORLD WHEN ANTICHRIST COMES as the world has slowly been taught this all along. Major movies such as STAR WARS and HARRY POTTER have done much to promote their religion of light and love and magic. By the time the average child in America is 16 years old, they have been exposed to over 1000 hours of Luciferic Programming. Violent video games, movies and TV shows feed into our more animal, sadistic nature and desensitize us towards violence against others (for the future Holocaust against Christians = see Rev:13). The constant barrage of Pornography and SEX in movies, TV, music videos and advertising serves to feed human lust and break down Judeo/Christian morals (for the future church of Sex and Satan = see Mystery Babylon, Rev:17). 3) ATTACK AND SLANDER CHRISTIANITY AND THE GOD OF THE BIBLE IN ANY AND EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. With billions of dollars at their disposal, they can promote films and filmmakers who serve this purpose. The recent book and movie THE DA VINCI CODE did much to promote this attack on Christianity. The major theme is that THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION AND THE GOD OF THE BIBLE IS EVIL AND LUCIFER IS THE GOOD GOD AND TRUE SAVIOR. 4) PROMOTE THE COMING OF THEIR ANTICHRIST AS "MAITREYA" the world teacher who will present us with a plan to save humanity from nuclear war. The main promoter of this "messiah" is Benjamin Creme and Share International, whose site does much to hide their Luciferic Beliefs. Yet ShareInter promotes ALICE BAILEY as one of their sources of knowledge. ALICE BAILEY WAS THE (OPEN) APOSTLE OF SATAN WHO WAS GIVEN THE PLAN FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER NOW ACCEPTED BY THE U.N. in 1982.This theme of a coming "savior" has been promoted by many "Christian" leaders such as Billy Graham, Rick Warren and The Current Pope. 5) CREATE GLOBAL CHAOS, ANARCHY AND WAR TO COLLAPSE THE CURRENT SYSTEM AT THE RIGHT TIME AND FOCUS THE WORLD ON THEIR SAVIOR= ANTICHRIST. Thru the centuries, the Illuminati has financed and promoted every revolution including The French and American Revolution. Like a satanic chess game, the Illuminati moves the pieces around the board, taking out and replacing whom they may to conquer the king (Christianity) and bring their king to power (Antichrist). Again, THE USA AND THE WHITE HOUSE IS THEIR PRIZE AND THEY MUST WIN AT ANY AND ALL COSTS!The Illuminati has set this world system to CRASH at the right "moment". They were instrumental in allowing ISRAEL to become a nation, MAY 14, 1948 AD in order to create a great future war in the mideast as they fund Islamic terror groups against Israel and have created our system that is dependent upon mideast Oil to run. No doubt they also own the oil companies to make hundreds of billions of dollars in this dark process. As of JULY 4 2009, the stage is set, the plan is complete and the Illuminati awaits the "signal" to crash our world system. It is no accident that 52 percent of the USA stock market is owned by foreign investors and when they panic and sell out, the USA stock market will crash like a Led Zepplin and the world economies with it. ALL THEY NEED TO DO IS WAIT UNTIL ISRAEL ATTACKS IRAN, THEN HAVE THEIR "DARK OPS" BLOW UP THE DOME OF THE ROCK MOSQUE IN JERSUALEM. Israel will be blamed and W.W.III will explode in the mideast against the Nation of Israel. THE GOOD NEWS is God is allowing this evil to come upon the world, HE is in control of it all. As I said at the start of this page, God is allowing Antichrist to come who will force all to finally choose bewteen God and satan (666). The followers of Lucifer believe their New World order will last 3000 years. The Bible says 3 and a half years and no more. BEFORE ANTICHRIST COMES ONTO THE WORLD SCENE AND HIS MINIONS OF DISCIPLES STEP FORTH TO DECLARE HIM AS SAVIOR, WILL COME THE FIRST OF TWO RAPTURES. JESUS WILL TAKE HIS TRUE FOLLOWERS, HIS FAITHFUL REMNANT TO HEAVEN AND THEN ANTICHRIST WILL COME. In the Bible, this faithful remnant is called the Church of Philadelphia. (Rev;3:10). These are the limited group of Christians who are as dedicated to The Gospel of JESUS as the Illuminati is to Lucifer and His Plan. In closing, many Christians and Patriots believe they can STOP the new world order and reverse this course. They believe they can save America and bring in an age of righteous leaders and laws that could last for at least 40 years (a biblical generation) before Antichrist comes. This is not reality or the "signs and times" that The Bible Predicts. The time comes when we must accept reality, that the inevitable has arrived! So I am not waving the white flag of surrender, but accepting the Plan of God is about to start, as found in The Book of Revelation. SATAN IS READY TO BRING ANTICHRIST ONTO THE WORLD SCENE AND NOTHING CAN STOP THIS AS GOD IS ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN As of 04 JULY 2009, we are at the POINT OF NO RETURN. We all knew this day would come and this day is now. Remember, Noah did not stop the flood but escaped it in his ark. Lot did not change Sodom but fled this wicked city before destruction hit. All we can do is follow JESUS, warn others and prepare to ESCAPE 666 in The Rapture of God's Worthy Believers. GOD BLESS AND BE WORTHY
1) Israel said, "They have until 2010 AD
to STOP Iran's nuclear program or its too late" and this means
Israel will attack Iran before or in 2010, unless of course a
massive earthquake destroys Iran's nuclear (underground) program,
another bible code matrix. We know the time is here. 2) When Israel attacks Iran, this will trigger the First Rapture and
the coming of Antichrist by 2010-2011, Terror cells across the USA, Canada,
EU and Israel will attack (in unison) in revenge, massive car & truck bombs,
possibly dirty bombs,sniper attacks and shooting massacres in malls and
supermarkets and bio weapons attacks will crash the all-ready collapsing USA stock market as
CHAOS and ANARCHY spread across the world and The Muslims declare
"holy war" against Israel= when the DOME OF THE ROCK MOSQUE IS DETONATED.