On JUNE 12, 2009, all Television in America and the planet is going to a DIGITAL SIGNAL and this is just in time for the coming of Antichrist and his Global Television Ministry. (the original date for Digital TV Conversion was FEB 17, 2009). As I proved on 6.6.06, Antichrist does not come as a western politician but as a Spiritual Figure, as "world teacher" and Savior of all religions, faith and creeds. He will claim to called by many names and titles, "Christ" to Christians, Iman Mahdi To Muslims, Maitreya to Buddhists, Messiah to Jews and Krishna to The Hindus. Antichrist will use his Buddha`name, MAITREYA as his personal name and this name MAITREYA calculates to 666 in the Alpha-Numerical, Hebrew Alphabet. There are seven different ways you can translate the ancient Sanskrit name, MAITREYA into Hebrew and all seven ways calculate to six hundred and sixty six= 666 = Man Playing God = the Ultimate Abomination. When Antichrist (Maitreya) declares himself onto the world scene, he will speak to the world via every TELEVISION set on planet earth. As he begins his global "ministry", great crowds will emass around the world to see and hear him speak LIVE, yet the vast majority will still watch him on large Screen TV's and ALL CONNECTED TO A SINGLE, DIGITAL SIGNAL. Thru a Digital Signal, the miracles, signs and wonders the world sees Antichrist do, could all be false, created in a Hollywood FX Studio and played as "live" television" (a magician's trick used by CHRIS ANGEL in his final escape act). As Antichrist speaks, he could be bathed in bright light, that changes thru the colors of the Rainbow and UFO'S, Angels etc can be seen hovering overhead. IS THIS A MIRACLE OR A DIGITAL SPECIAL EFFECT? As I said, no matter what city or continent Antichrist travels to, 99 percent of Humanity will SEE & HEAR Antichrist on TELEVISION, either in their homes, offices or on giant screen TV's, so how will you know if it is LIVE or DIGITALLY ENHANCED? As Antichrist speaks in English, his voice can be digitally remixed and played in every language around the world and hailed as a "miracle", as the Second Pentecost. Subliminal, almost hypnotic messages can be inserted to make viewers more "vulnerable" to his message. UNITY = PEACE SHARING = SAFETY GOD = EVIL SATAN = GOOD BIBLE = FALSE AND AS ALL ANALOG BROADCASTS WILL BE SHUT DOWN, THE ONLY SIGNAL THE WORLD WILL SEE IS A SINGLE DIGITAL BROADCAST. It is because of this Digital Delusion, GOD WILL SEND HIS ANGELS TO EARTH, TO PREACH THE FINAL GOSPEL AND WARN PEOPLE TO REJECT ANTICHRIST (MAITREYA) AND NOT TO TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST (DST= DIGITAL SCANNABLE TATTOO). GALACTIC ALIGNMENT & DIGITAL TV On DEC 21 2012 AD, The Ancient Mayan year for "Doomsday", Galactic Alignment will occur when the sun and earth are in perfect alignment with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy (which is a powerful black hole). Many Scientists theorize the Sun will be hit by a powerful blast of gravitational energy which will cause Earth to be hit by a MAXIMUM SOLAR BURST. This would disrupt and knock out all communications satelites and the DIGITAL SIGNAL will go down. IF MASS HYPNOSIS AND SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES ARE USED BY ANTICHRIST TO DECEIVE THE WORLD via DIGITAL TELEVISION= THE SIGNAL WILL STOP PLAYING on DEC 21 2012 AD and THE SPELL WILL BE BROKEN". COMET IMPACT in REV:8:7-8 could also knock out the Communication Satellites and shut down the Digital Signal of The Beast. (this "impact" could happen before DEC 21 2012 AD, depending upon WHEN Antichrist is here on every television set on planet earth). The Stage is set and the digital signal ready for the Coming of Antichrist and his Global Television Ministry. What is most important to know is that Antichrist cannot declare himself onto the world scene and appear on every Digital TV on planet earth, until the most amazing event in history happens, THE FIRST OF TWO RAPTURES, WHEN ONE MILLION PEOPLE VANISH INTO THIN AIR= WHEN JESUS RAPTURES HIS TRUE AND FAITHFUL FOLLOWERS INTO HEAVEN (see KJV: Lu:21:34-36 = Matt:24:40-44 = Rev:3:10). When one million people vanish, the world will go into a mass panic and cries of "rapture" will compete with screams of a UFO Invasion. While all eyes are looking fearfully up at the sky, it is possible that Antichrist will come to earth in a SPACESHIP= The Ultimate Delusion. (a theory I have voiced since 1997 and supported by The Bible Code). The world could watch (via Digital TV) a giant "mothership" hovering over Antichrist with 1000 UFO lights flashing across the sky and the whole event could be DIGITALLY CREATED = FALSE. (Holographic Images, projected from a space satellite can also duplicate Mass UFO Sightings in the sky). We are in The Final Countdown and when ISRAEL attacks Iran (to STOP their nuclear threat) this will set (in motion) a series of events, great war, economic and social collapse and amidst this Global Chaos, The First Rapture will happen and then Antichrist, the Television Messiah, will appear on every DIGITAL TELEVISION on PLANET EARTH= ON ONE DIGITAL SIGNAL = 666. Where will you be when MAITREYA (Antichrist) appears on world television? Raptured into heaven as one the true followers of JESUS, those whose walk was "accounted worthy" or down here upon earth, staring at your TV SET and wondering is this real or digital? (as Antichrist explains away the First Rapture as "Alien Abduction"). "WATCH AND BE READY"
God Bless WARNING: if Antichrist comes to earth in a small spaceship, this doesn't prove it came from another galaxy. This "alien" ship could have built right here in AREA 51, USA. 6.6.06: ANTICHRIST REVEALED: PART ONE